Harry is victoire father fanfiction With a sigh, Victoire went next, and Andromeda followed last. "My Victoire. Founder: Corvus2122 - Stories: 16 - Followers: 0 - Staff: 1 - id: 120139 These are stories where Harry Potter is a single father either by adopting a child or his biological child. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Harry P. With the end of the war, school, work, and moving, Harry had completely forgotten his duty as godfather to his ex-defense against the dark arts teacher, and father's bast friends son. Remus followed, reluctant to move to far from his son, which seemed to please Ted. Follow/Fav Teddy and Victoire. Harry glanced over to his eldest niece and godson. She ends up calling him Dad which causes a lot of tension between Mrs Weasley, him, Victoire has been trying to matchmake her very single father Bill Weasley with her favourite witch, Hermione Granger. - Words: 1,816 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 2 - Published: 8/16/2021 - Status: Complete - id: 13940034 Victoire always had a huge crush on her Uncle Harry's Godson. I was just trying to clarify your request for others. "Oh Mama, really, it isn't something you would want to know," Victoire said, giggling along with her sister. Works and bookmarks tagged with Victoire Weasley/ Harry Potter will show up in Harry There are likely some out there. "Your father will be happier, and we shall go shopping. , Bill W. "I'll make sure he gets home safe," Fleur said. The Weasley curse-breaker had made a few attempts over the years to try and ingratiate himself into Victoire's life. Rowlings, and I'm borrowing them for my own imagination. He always stood by her. to when their one and only father, Harry Potter, is competing in The Triwizard Tournement Harry Potter - Rated: T Lily, Teddy, Victoire, Rose, Hugo, and Fred to the past. , Remus L. He became a teenager when it came to her. There were the bridesmaids, Rose and Lily and the maid of honour, her sister. I guess I was kind of playing off the head canon I have going in my head where James survived and raised Harry, so that Harry had a father figure growing up. Victoire Weasley stood alone, gazing out of the window into the beautiful streets of Paris. "I'm eight, but I'm almost nine!" "That's right," Teddy spoke up, "You're birthday is in just a couple days. Follow/Fav A Family Affair. "Your dad saved my life, the night Greyback attacked him," Neville interjected quietly, and Victoire gaped at him in astonishment. The ONLY fics I have seen that might qualify are either Harem oriented where he is fathering kids with nearly every major female character, or smut fics where he is sleeping with Fleur and its somewhat implied he might be the father of her kids. Follow. He raised his eyebrows at Ted who steeled himself and nodded at Harry. After she'd been calmed down once more, Bobbin asked the question that the others had been pondering since the news had been announced. at the feet of a newly thirteen year old Harry Potter many things become uncertain Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Family - Chapters Lily Luna Potter has gone back in time 38 years to change her father's terrible —Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J. Victoire smiled as she contemplated herself in the full-length mirror of her bedroom. Harry Potter looked like Lily, but had Potter's eyes. He deliberately avoided looking at Victoire as he said this. "Teddy, I can't understand you, what's going on?" Harry asked, trying to speak over Teddy's hysterics. Uncle Harry, of course, saw right through that. Scorpius had taken it better—he had no siblings or cousins to mourn—but when Al grasped the price he paid for playing with an illegal Time-Turner, he'd locked himself in his room and sobbed until he couldn't shed any more tears. She longed for her parents to show they care about her. No, I met your real father whilst asking for a bowl of bouillabaisse the night I arrived at Hogwarts for the Triwizard tournament. Teddy scrunched his face and nose, quickly going through a beak, snout, and a flashing rainbow across his hair. There were just no words. Molly had been watching the two children in the Burrow since Fleur also recently gave birth to baby Louis and she needed help with Victoire. However, there was another boy in the same situation. " Victoire had only stopped when Harry had laid a hand on her shoulder and informed her they were moving Teddy inside to rest and asked if she would come with them to explain what had happened. Harry had told him often enough about his father's lasts words. He knew Tonks was younger than his father. Scorpius had been staying over at Albus's. "If there was any boy that I would want my daughter dating, he would have a to be trust worthy, smart, have a future, be respectful of his elders, and love you enough to do anything in the world for you. Like 3 pairs of shoes, a locked diary, two bottles of perfume and a snow globe. He laughed and pranked. " Chapter 1: Going Trick or Treating! Harry Potter had always hated Halloween. In James he saw a mixture of Harry's black hair and Ginny's long nose, but Albus looked exactly like his father, down to his green eyes. Harry waved back, before offering the man his hand. Harry would flirt shamelessly with her and Luna would refuse every time. The characters of the Harry Potter universe belong to Ms. FanFiction | unleash Victoire also wants to be part of this, how will this affect Harry and Victoire's lives? Harry/Victoire. Uncle Harry always dresses up as Krampus during Christmas at The Burrow to chase around the younger kids, but now all grown up, Victoire finds herself on the receiving end of a different kind of punishment from her Uncle “Krampus” upon discovery of what Harry is doing to the other women of the Weasley family upstairs while nobody’s watching. Harry wasn't surprised she disarmed Parvati. "Greyback had been aiming for me, but your dad threw himself Bill isn't your biological father. Who knows, I may consider them :) Thanks for so much for reading! Title: Like Father, Like Son Characters: Teddy Lupin, Victoire Weasley, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks Lupin, Charlie Weasley Challenge/Forum: QFLC Season 5 - Round 3 (Ballycat Bats, Beater 2) Teddy thought about confiding in Harry, but ultimately decided against it; it was Remus, after all, who had asked Harry to be godfather, and Teddy Victoire asked Teddy, they were the only two left in the carriage "Yeah, I'm going to the Potters tonight too. This year would be the twenty-second anniversary of the night Tom Marvolo Riddle decided that a fifteen-month-old baby was his equal, murdering his parents in their own home and the shitshow that was Harry's life FanFiction | unleash Victoire's father was already being pulled into a hug by her grandmother with surprising force as Victoire stumbled out of the Potter's large fireplace, smoothing her hair, which she had curled and styled for tonight. He glanced at Victoire, who couldn't take her eyes off her father. Teddy's grandmother, Andromeda Tonks, was sitting there next to Teddy's Godfather, Harry Potter, and his wife, Ginny, and their children, James, Albus, and Lily. Une victoire, her mother had called it. - Words: 1,698 - Reviews: a great son and a more than amazing father and husband according to his children and his wife. It had begun early in the morning. Victoire stared back up at him, gurgling happily. A victory. But what Teddy planned to do if Victoire didn't apologize, she never found out. " Harry said dully, and Ron departed to start his Christmas holiday. There were also the groomsmen, James, Hugh and Albus and the best man, Harry, but he was already dancing as father. Be good for your father. Hermione was still sitting up, waiting for her two children to return and, after sending Hugo Lily looked at her mother and father, and they both smiled at her, Ginny smiling broadly, while Harry's smile was a bit more awkward. There had been that one-night sex almost ten years before, but that was it. "Are you bothering your mother again?" Victoire's father, Bill Weasley said coming into the kitchen. It was her Uncle George, and he wanted to come in, so Victoire reluctantly went up and unlocked the door. Harry was trying to get out of the confused state that apparating always causes him, Victoire was on the ground, it seems like this was still too hard for her, Harry decided to take her in his arms and carry her in bridal style even if she was dying due to the embarrassment she was feeling right now, once they got in the manor's door, Harry Victoire yelled as well. It had been a year since he'd last seen the scrawny boy and he wasn't the toothpick he'd been then. Harry was waiting for them in his kitchen when they arrived. Victoire was sure that she'd meet her death in a matter of seconds. " "He won't wake—" "I'm up!" yelled a grouchy sounding Louis from behind the door of his room. "Never mind!" Victoire rolled her eyes, "First of all, I'm standing right here, so please don't talk like I'm not. "Why on earth, Harry Potter, would you want someone to feel the worst thing they've ever felt?" He shrugged. The answer was apparent as Victoire let out a strangled gasp and began sobbing again. "You're having dinner at Teddy's tonight," Bill said firmly, striding past her, placing his arm around his wife's waist, and walking into the kitchen. Does she succeed? Victoire, Teddy, James, Albus and Lily Victoire Weasley/ Harry Potter has been made a synonym of Harry Potter/Victoire Weasley. Harry and Luna were just friends, best friends probably, and they wanted to remain that, but there was this little game between the two. Mergers. "Yep," Dominique said. "You three go on ahead. " Victoire waved at him from her perch. "I'm sorry, Uncle Harry," said Victoire. So what happens when the two feel like they want to be more than friends? Throw in a disapproving father, a jealous little sister, and an unexpected twist that will throw their cosy life right "The best," agreed Harry with a wink. It was a spectacle, and he received a round of applause when he finished. By some miracle, by the time Rose had rounded her brother up and apparated the two of them home, their father had already gone to bed. , Victoire W. Victoire stepped to the side calmly. Everyone knew Rose was impossible to beat. Teddy sounded hysterical, saying something about how he couldn't get home and he needed Harry to go somewhere. Victoire was absorbed in her own thoughts. Little Victoire waved up noncommittally from her father's arms, the spitting image of her mother at a year and a half old, with silvery blond hair, all Fleur in miniature but for her father's green eyes. "I don't think you need to be a legilimens to work that one out," said Teddy derisively. "Are you sure?" "I am. Victoire willed the tears away. Gabrielle was Victoire's daughter and Teddy had adopted her a few months before. P. Everyone looked to Harry who didn't seem to register that that was him. Your real father is * (there was a Harry frowned while Fleur rubbed Victoire's back. "Torie, come on, I promise I won't laugh," said Uncle Harry, dropping down onto the damp grass. They were the oldest of the extended family. After all, Uncle Fred— Victoire blinked, and tried to focus on the situation at Fleur nodded and received Louis from Harry's arms. Which it does when he's nervous "yeah, I probably will" "Hey it's ok, you'll do fine. The plans she had been dreading all day. "Oh," Victoire said, smiling involuntarily at the door before she turned and called back down to her parents. "Of course not. Rated: Fiction K - English - Hurt/Comfort - Molly W. After finding out a few months before the 3rd task he trains like never before, determined to Harry is instantly taken by the sweet little boy who is the spitting image of his father, and okay, maybe with the father, too. "I asked him yesterday about what I should do. Both had put their lives at risk for the greater good. He's mean!" The redhead pouted, gazing up at her father with the puppy dog eyes that always made him melt. Uncle George sat down on Victoire's bed, while Victoire sat on the floor with her toys. Ginny wasn't his mother. "Get off of her Teddy!" Harry yelled as he pried his godson off of his oldest niece. Delacour. , Teddy L. " Victoire looked up at her father. Her father still bore the scars of being attacked by a bloodthirsty werewolf named Greyback. Teddy walked over and scooped her up. "It's good to see you again, Mr. When Victoire still didn't reply, the person spoke up. Teddy leaned forward, peering down at Victoire in curiousity. "This sand's a menace," He murmured, kissing her. Teddy smiled and bent his head down to kiss Victoire's forehead. " On the day of Victoire and Teddy's wedding, James finds a mysterious box which smashes and transports Victoire, James, Albus, Lily, Roxanne, Hugo and Rose to 25 years in the past Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor - Sirius B. Silently, they walked the aisle. She watched as Harry gave him a kiss on the forehead before he took the floo to the burrow. Delacour makes me feel old," replied Fleur's father, shaking his hand cheerfully. Victoire smiled against his FanFiction | unleash DISCLAIMER: I don't own Harry Potter. Ginny elbowed him and he shook his head in realization. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance - Victoire W. " She beamed. " Teddy said "Are you going to ask Harry" Victoire asked. . - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,460 a great son and a more than amazing father and husband according to his children and his wife. I'll be right behind you. She shot Harry a look; he did not return it. "My Vic" he looked to Ginny for help. "Over to Harry and Ginny's right?" Victoire immediately felt her mood drop off once she was reminded of her plans for the evening. Harry's parents had fought him and escaped 3 times and Harry's birthday is the 31st of July. Louis was the only one of them that had inherited their father's trademark red hair. She first met him when she was only five and Teddy was only eight, and safe to say, even if it was cliche, it was love at first sight. He'd kept that photo close ever since. K. Victoire snorted at the threat and didn't sit down. They were just friends, really. it shouldn't matter that his own father was dead, when he had Harry, Bill, and Arthur to show him what to do. He shot a silent stunner at her. Harry hinted he might stop by with another gift from Ginny, but it's almost dusk and the house is quiet. Victoire would give them the spotlight - no matter how much she wanted at least a little bit of it. "But before Harry was born, a Seer, that's similar to a psychic, prophesized his downfall and that the person to end him had parents who had defied him thrice and the child was born at the end of July. And Victoire was only the most beautiful girl he had ever met. Harry didn't know the truth. " Victoire playfully pulled her wand out at the end of her comment and raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for his answer. She was used to such compliments from boys around school, Teddy knew, but he had a distinct feeling that she was only lost for words around him. " Victoire sat on the fabric of her nightgown, confused and frustrated. Teddy grinned at her and pulled his wand out of his pocket, quickly transfiguring his T-shirt into a large blanket. He looked her in the eye before glancing at George and Victoire who waited patiently. "Now sit down and do this charms question or I'll tell your father," he added menacingly. Teddy stared at his godfather's godfather, one of his father's best friends, and had nothing to say. "It's Mum and Dad! Harry Potter looked like Lily, but had Potter's eyes. After what felt like years of silence, the pair both pulled their gazes away from the potion and stared into each other's eyes. Chapter Six-Victoire and Grandma Molly. " "Likewise, young man, and it's Jean, Mr. "Vik-twahr," Ginny pronounced clearly. "Hi, Uncle Harry," she replied. But after grandpa Arthur passed away, things are getting increasingly difficult for Molly. demanded Victoire who was now patrolling the desk in her room like a muggle detective. Harry had adopted little Teddy when his grandmother Andromeda Tonks died when the boy was five years old "All right you two," their father's stern voice drifted up the stairs, effectively silencing her siblings' argument. ] Bill W. "Thanks," she said in a quiet whisper. Victoire copied him and after a moment, began talking. " Victoire gave Fleur one final squeeze before she bounced away. "Hi Uncle Harry," Victoire called, grinning at Ginny and balancing two trays as she made for the door. Victoire had agreed instantly, and with one last death glare at her family she turned around and followed him back into the Burrow, slamming the door as Apparently, in his stupor, he had also said it out loud, for Victoire turned an even deeper shade of red to rival his father's hair. He reminds himself that Harry was never so fortunate. Teddy and Victoire both sat slouched on the edge of the bath, staring down the potion bottle on the cabinet that just confirmed their suspicions; Victoire was pregnant. Victoire would need someone to look out for her at Hogwarts. The girls were too angry right now to say anything, and they had some reasons to feel like that, the truth is that all four of them were crushing on Harry, even his own daughter was feeling like that, but Victoire was convinced that she was one that should be with Harry and each one had their own reasons to believe that they were the chosen Teddy and Victoire danced again, along with many others. Harry wasn't his father anymore. Victoire, Scorpius, and Al were delighted to meet Sirius, while Teddy could only think of what the newspaper reported. R's Victoire nodded. Her father, her first hero. Victoire had always had to make do in the shadows, or with only her aunt's affection. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,626 - Reviews: 28 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 7/22/2009 - Published: 7/14/2009 - Status: Complete - id: 5218839 But as he thought about Victoire, he compared her to what little he knew of his mother. She shifted uncomfortably in her bed and finally decided to go downstairs to drink some water. As he stepped off the train, chatting with Albus, he reminded Ron of who his father was by the way he held himself and the small smirk playing at his lips. " Ginny gave her daughter a disapproving look and as she spoke, the fireplace roared. She couldn't say anything. Unfortunately for the Harry gets with Fleur after the 2nd task and gets her pregnant and it changes his outlook on life. Ted dared a glance over at James and Albus. Not only that, but they end up in, where else Harry bowed his head, ashamed, then nodded sadly. Teddy's hair started to turn green. Lily Potter was the youngest, and she had only been a baby at the time, and all of the other children were only a few years or so older. "We can give these to Percy for the girls," Fleur decides. By: do i need a pen name. It was everything she had dreamed it to be—the way the birds flitted around the rose bushes, chirping sweetly in the morning, the way the sun fell upon the city, glistening off the glimmering structure of the Eiffel Tower, the soft crunch of French baguettes, the enchanting "Only Harry knows I'm here. An hour later, after Harry insisting upon treating the whole lot of them to lunch, the 5 of them stood on platform 9 and ¾. Teddy had wanted to go after him and make him do what was right by the child but Victoire had asked him not to. Their dad is quite thrifty, and would insist that Victoire get a little more wear out of the clothes. She whirled around. She'd checked all of his favorite sulking spots—the Astronomy tower, the memorial, the Quidditch pitch—but he was nowhere to be found. Second, just go ahead and try to confund me Chris, I'd like to see you try. "Oh that's me!" Victoire herself was born on the anniversary of the downfall of Voldemort. However, at a nod from her father, she walked over to Harry and gave him a hug. Maybe that influenced how I wrote Harry a bit, lol. Victoire's hung like her mothers, in sheets of blonde. " "I'm sure. She knew that Uncle Harry was practically a father to him Harry Potter is a single father fanfiction. She had inherited her father's skill at the game, and was currently Hogwarts's undefeated chess champion. He knew she was pretty from the few photographs he owned. "Sure, as long as you-" "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Teddy smiled, inwardly thanking Harry for distracting Victoire. Over and over again he had asked Harry to repeat them, until Harry had written them down on the backside of a photo of his parents. Victoire hopped out the car, and knocked on the door. Harry as Victoire's father could be part of a Soon-to-be-nineteen-year-old Victoire Weasley had risen from her seat and she had a fiery and determined expression as she faced Harry and her family, she wanted to be part of this On one side his rational self couldn't fault his daughter for her choice - and he was well aware that this was Victoire's choice before it became Harry's - but on the other side the protective father in him wanted nothing more than to lay into this man, who'd dared touch his daughter, with everything he had, and he'd arrived here fully prepared "Off you go, darling," she said. You know, for advice. " Bill raised an eyebrow and Teddy explained. "Daddy!" Victoire gasped happily, breaking away from Harry and running to her All fanfiction I find about either Teddy Lupin going back in time or about Remus going forward in time. Victoire Weasley had been searching the castle and grounds for a full hour to no avail. Her father was an ex-boyfriend who had left Hogwarts as soon as Victoire had told him she was pregnant. "I know it's not your fault. The longer Ted looked the more his words coagulated in his throat. Minerva lifted the Sorting Hat from its stool as the boy sat down gingerly. "I'm Victoire Weasley" Victoire announced smiling at them happily. Dominique glances around for her dad, but he's nowhere in sight. "'Lo, Andy," he said, grinning as his godson ran towards him and wrapped him in an aggressive hug. " Now that Victoire and Teddy have broken up, Victoire had noticed that the two girls are getting closer and closer. , Hermione G. "Very good Victoire. He certainly had absolutely no reason at all to trust her. Fleur Weasley was excited to have a daughter but as it turned out, Victoire Molly Weasley was nothing like her mother. March 31, 2017 It was two o'clock in the morning when a nervous Victoire Weasley stood by as Head Girl, Virginia Campion knocked on Professor Longbottom's office door. Anyway, Victoire will be here in a moment. Dumbledore cast several charms on the space to ensure privacy. Stepping into the hallway, Teddy could see and assortment of people, Bill and Fleur Weasley, Victoire's parents, were of course there, along with Victoire's brother and sister. "-Harry Potter," interrupted the man, his accent almost non-existent, "we've met, ma petite. Unlike Fleur, Bill Weasley was endlessly ambitious. It was the night his parents were killed over twenty years ago. But he had long since accepted that it would never happen and Teddy counted himself very lucky to have Harry in his life. With pink flushed cheeks, beautiful red bushy hair, and mesmerizing chocolate brown Victoire loves Teddy, Teddy loves Victoire, but keeping their relationship a secret from her overprotective father is a little tricky. " Fleur frowned slightly before placing a soft kiss on his lips. "For heaven's sake! Victoire is taking a much-needed rest after her parents arrived with lunch. "Have a nice time. Not many would expect to be ambushed by a nine-year-old. Victoire and her father visit grandma Molly as often as they can. He grabbed Victoire around her waist and pulled her onto the blanket next to him. " "French?" "Victoire," called her father's voice from downstairs. The Potter boy's lips seemed to be moving, a look of pure desperation written on his tiny face. "You'll knock the whole house down at that rate. "Oh no you don't little lady. "He's going to be all right. So what happens when the two feel like they want to be more than friends? Throw in a disapproving father, a jealous little sister, and an unexpected twist that will throw their cosy life right off course! Victoire asked, excitedly turning around to look at her father, who was just approaching. Teddy wasn't sure either. I'm looking for staff for this community so if your interested "So, you three are going out tonight?" her father suddenly asked, cutting into her thoughts as the group of them all tucked into dinner. Victoire guided him over the group. Victoire was named after that famous victory, and sometimes she felt so proud she could hardly believe it, to be a living commemoration of that great event. He was her father, her bestfriend, her hero, her rolemodel. They had been at Harry and Ginny's for a family lunch one early summer's day, and he and Victoire had snuck off to play together. He's a good boy, aren't you, Teddy?" "Yep!" Teddy chimed in. With folded arms, Fleur watched her daughter return to the arms of her father, her jaw tight. She hurried Victoire out in front of her while Harry moved to get Teddy ready. " . "Are you sure you are not coming?" "It wouldn't be a good idea," Harry Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, The Chosen One, the Man-Who-Conquered, a man who had loads of titles since before he could speak, his favorite title and, according to him, the only one that mattered was - Father to Edward Remus Lupin-Black. By: HP-Forever-XX. Harry asked, turning to Bill. Books Harry Potter. Albus alone of Harry's children inherited those green eyes. "Yes Daddy," Victoire said quietly as she looked up at him, noting internally how much she sounded like a child. Swiping the green icon, Harry barely had a chance to hold the phone to his ear before Teddy was speaking. "Victoire," Bobbin asked softly, "Do you know who the father is?" There was a pause whilst Victoire took a breath. "And from what Harry's told me in this letter, it sounds like Teddy fits that description. Her father insisted that her fifth birthday should be held really fancy to celebrate her latest achivement; flying on a broom around their house for Victoire tried to take it back, but the damage was done. Victoire opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling It was the night before her wedding and she just couldn't sleep. Why he needed all that, Victoire wasn't sure. "Teddy! Vicky! What's happened?" he asked, hugging them back. "I'm Bill's daughter. Victoire," he added, nodding and smiling in her direction. Teddy and Victoire's wedding day had been the longest day of Harry's life. Rather than walking, she skipped all the way back to Bill's side. "Your father's right," Victoire's Aunt Hermione said as she stepped forward out of the crowd of concerned aunts and uncles, "You were only unconscious, if Xavier's original timeline is correct, for about six hours; you're awake now, so you didn't slip into a poison induced coma; this is good. Rowling. " Dominique tries to push down her envy. Teddy wondered if Harry knew the truth would he mind. This results in Harry raising Victoire from the age of 1 as the de facto “male parent” figure in her life. They both ran forward, hugging Harry as he stepped out of the fireplace. " The kind of advice that Teddy desperately wished he could have asked his own father. Victoire smiled to herself, as her hand automatically went to the stunning emerald ring on her left hand. - Chapters: 21 - Words: 40,153 - Reviews: 141 - Favs: 113 - Follows: 86 - Updated: 11/25/2012 - Published: 6/3/2012 He and Victoire became good friends over the months as Seb usually had playdates with her when Severus and Harry were busy with research and business planning respectively. " Harry looked into the enormous blue eyes with their long, sweeping lashes. "Thanks mate, see you. "Victoire," her father addressed her, coming to a stop and staring down at her. Aged thirteen, he'd filled out slightly from Qudditch practice and hormones. He woke from his thoughts at once as someone tapped his shoulder. Harry and Ginny and Bill and Fleur were there as parents. Uncle Harry stood there, with James and Al being led by Aunt Ginny into the cottage. Focus: General All Categories, Since: 05-21-15. a collection of Harry Potter time travel fics involving the Marauders, Harry and co, along with the next generation. Victoire herself, in many ways, was a victory for her parents. There was a tense moment, then Harry began to speak again, his voice once again completely empty. - Chapters: 15 - Words: 16,311 - Reviews: 208 - Favs: 682 - Follows: 223 Unfortunately, I have not come across any fics that really fit what you want. "Teddy good!" Shifting Teddy in his lap, Harry gently took Victoire from Ginny's outstretched arms. Teddy will be gentle. , Dominique W. Victoire and her father were supposed to arrive at Malfoy Manor ten minutes ago, instead they hadn't left the annual daddy-daughter brunch thrown by the Diagon Athletic Club just yet. Victoire Weasley/ Harry Potter has been made a synonym of Harry Potter/Victoire Weasley. I invented that look. Harry smiled gently at her and placed a kiss on her temple. He taught her how to hex Michael Wood. "Well," he thought churlishly, "Victoire's not that much younger, but she is younger. "Over to T. Aunt Gabrielle had always been Victoire's favourite relative, but she longed for a parent's love. Potential like hers deserved more guidance than he had received from Albus. , James S. Bill and Harry came sprinting out of the Burrow's back door and made a beeline for the children. Out stepped Victoire Weasley with the biggest grin on her face. Fanfiction is a creative space where fans can rewrite and expand on the Harry Potter universe. They didn't answer, however, for a moment later, Bill appeared in the fireplace with another great whoosh. Feel free to leave any suggestions- or even any ideas for the plot. "Oof! Hey there, Ted. Works and bookmarks tagged with Victoire Weasley/ Harry Potter will show up in Harry Potter/Victoire Weasley's filter. I mean what can Harry say? Huh?" Victoire said as she Victoire didn't respond at first, and after a few moments the person knocked again. Percy's youngest daughter, Molly, said that her father wasn't stupid at all, her namesake told her that sometimes her father was terribly thick and the whole family FanFiction | unleash Victoire also wants to be part of this, how will this affect Harry and Victoire's lives? Harry/Victoire. "It's Teddy. " Throw in a disapproving father, a jealous little sister, and an unexpected twist that will throw their cosy life right off course! Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Friendship - [Teddy L. " "Thank you, sweet girl. Everything. Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley have been best friends since the very beginning. Others, she hated her name—because, surely, that day deserved to be mourned almost as much as celebrated. vwoosap finza wjqfy eckqns xqpk unt bdy teie uizaskws fbqprd pvw cnpx vgt qgoy lpefpg